Saturday, March 31, 2018

Using IoT devices for IDS applications

During the summer of 2017, I investigated the use of IoT devices and their usefulness towards the application as a Network Intrusion Detection device. The group looked into the usefulness of the Raspberry Pi Zero W which would lend itself as a wireless intrusion device. This was a great experience in developing IoT devices. Due to the processor limitations the Raspberry Pi Zero W are perhaps the most limiting aspect of the RPZW for this application. The RPZW as a completely headless unit, with no intention of accessing the computer while relying on the configuration to provide notifications may be acceptable but if available try utilizing the 64-bit processor on that is implemented in the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Further, if one was to upgrade to the Raspberry Pi 3 model B one could still see a cost savings in comparison to the use of a standard off the shelf solution to an IDS.

In order to assemble the Raspberry Pi as an IDS first the acquisition of the memory card. For data storage Raspberry Pi’s utilize Micro SD cards, and due to the OS storage requirements a 16GB or larger drive is required. However, it is also noted that the 32GB solutions have been reported to be unstable over longer periods of time.

Writing the OS to the Raspberry Pi.

To install an OS onto the micro SD card one needs to download the image of the OS from the selected vendor in the case of this project that was downloaded from the Kali Linux site; Once the download has completed, with a windows computer one can use either one of the following two programs to write the image to the micro SD card, Etcher, or Win32DiskImager. Etcher is available from the following website: and Win32DiskImager is available at: Once the image is written to the micro SD card one can install the card into the micro SD card on the RPZW.

Upgrading the Kali base

The original summer development of the IDS Raspberry Pi was dependent on instruction provided at the following blog site: Also, of note the same individual provides a revision the Linux kernel that enables both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections this is modified kernel is available at: Once the device is booted and the user has logged on it is recommended that the Kali repositories be updated from a list of Kali repositories. Repositories can be located at this location

Utilizing the Entire Storage Drive.

To install a graphical interface to expand the storage space execute the command “apt-get install gparted” the distro will quickly download and install the application. In the project, the storage space was expanded to use the full drive. Another modification to the base install provided was the swap file we enabled a recommended 1M swap file.

Updating the OS

To update the distribution package list, and upgrade the installed applications, to perform this the commands are “apt-get upgrade, and apt-get upgrade, they however can be combined as: “apt-get update && apt-get upgrade”. This will cause the computer to check for and install new versions of any installed applications that have newer versions available.

Listing of Sites used for the installation processes:

Next time - Installation of software on the Raspberry Pi IDS.


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Monday, March 12, 2018

The Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things is a wide-ranging subject matter, it composes of new devices that range from sensors to smart interfaces for cars, household items and computers. The methods and means that compose these items and enable them to join us on the internet are a new class of computers. These computers are having been referred to as postage stamp computers, micro-computers and other names.

    Several makers produce these micro-computers and a quick search of the internet one can identify many of these devices and provide reviews as to the serviceability of their use. The flagship brand of these computers is the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which offer these single board computers with the names of Raspberry Pi; Model B, Model A, Pi 3, Compute Module, Zero, and Zero W.

    Each of these versions come with their own features, and well shapes. The latest Pi 3 Model B for instance is a 64-bit, Quad core computer that runs at 1.2 Ghz. While the Raspberry Pi Zeros are using the 32-bit, one core, running at 1 Ghz.

    Operating systems, the Pi’s do not come as a normal desktop computer preloaded with an operating system. Due to this one needs to use the available instructions from the Raspberry PI foundation or utilize other websites for instructions on installation of the operating systems. Note since the Pi Zero group is 32 bit only they only support 32 bit operating systems, while the Model 3 with a 64 bit can support the 64 bit OS as well.